Saturday, August 18, 2007

Post-op, Day 3

Climbed two stairs this morning and given thumbs up by PT to go home. Also went on a walk without the walker. I've been feeling real cocky all morning thinking this recovery isn't so bad. Got released from the hospital after 1:00pm. Arrived home around 2:00pm. I need to write the Virginia Department of Transportation, cause these roads suck. Here are my rules laid out by my doctor and my wife:

1.) No sitting for more than 30 minutes.
2.) Walk around house at least 10 times a day.
3.) Do not go up or down stairs on my own. Already got in trouble for this one.
4.) Take pills on time.

For the most part, my pain is associated with the surgery. I expect this to be the case for several weeks maybe longer. Right now, I'll take it day by day. This is by far the most painful surgery I have ever experienced in my life. I am very weak and walk using a cane to support my self (I don't trust my legs, especially my left one). I don't know if this surgery was worth it. That will be a discussion for another time.

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