Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Post-op, 8 weeks (2 months)

1.) Sitting is not a problem anymore, but I limit how long I do it.
2.) No improvement on the right foot this week, still have the drop foot.
3.) No change in the left foot, still numb.
4.) Back still sore when I first get up in the morning. Can feel some swelling at the incision site. Doctor says this is good cause we want the inflammation. More like he wants the inflammation, I want it gone. Have been adjusting my sleep number on my bed in hopes of helping the problem.
5.) SI Joints are still acting up and hips are now joining the party.
6.) Meds still interfere with my sleep.

Continued water PT on my own. Still walking 2 1/2 miles a day during the week and 5 on the weekend. Mowed the lawn again this week which resulted in a lot of pain the following two days (little bit of morphine fixed this right up). Medication combinations (Percs in the morning, and 1/2 dose during day topped off with Robaxin before bed) still seem to be working.

I'm still improving little by little each week. Don't see any marathons in the near future but the reality of it was I wasn't planning on running one anyway.

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