Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Post-op Fusion, 49 weeks (11+ months) - Hardware Removal, 5 weeks

The steroid injection has managed to completely calm my right side down. The left side is still off the charts and my surgeons office has scheduled another injection later this week in hopes of calming everything down.

This second surgery is starting to mirror the recovery of my original fusion surgery. This is a highly unexpected turn of events but one that I will continue to push through. I have started to gain strength back in my right leg and have little to no discomfort in it. My big toe, the top of my foot and ankle are still a little numb. Unfortunately, my left side is another story. The numbness remains in my foot and ankle plus the pain has returned on a daily basis. As it stands right now, I feel that the inflammation in my back is just wreaking havoc with my left side. I hope that this next injection will help get things back down to a manageable level.

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