Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Post-op Fusion, 45 weeks (10 1/4 months) - Hardware Removal, 1 week

Its been a good week on my road to recovery. Returned to walking 5 miles a day 2 days after surgery. I could easily have gone back to work today but decided to take the extra week and let myself heal. Sitting in a car is very uncomfortable still. Hind sight being 20/20, I should have gone to work. I have contractors putting in a new deck at my house today and saw an opportunity to tear out the old swing set and let them haul the wood out for that also. Like I said hind sight being 20/20, left and right SI Joints are not pleased with my actions. My spine being stiff now, they picked up the slack for my activity and are very angry. I was actually down to 1 perc before bed, and have had to take the max dosage the rest of today cause I exceeded my limitations.

The good thing is that I have established a baseline to what I can physically do. It sucks that I will never be able to just let go and live life without any worries. I guess this is a small price to pay to live life without pain.

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